DIY websites - Do It Yourself
Not everyone wants to hire a firm such as ours. We understand that financial considerations, family politics or just the fun of doing the job yourself precludes using us for your project. Sometimes we are asked “How can I build my own website?” Much like the poor dentist at a dinner party where everyone opens their mouth and asks for free advice, we have decided to put all the things a beginner should consider into one spot. So, this page is focused on diy websites.
Because the internet is a user driven medium and not a broadcast medium the rules are different for getting users’ attention. There are whole arrays of important aspects of website development that many people ignore because they they either are unaware of the power of certain choices or are unwilling to spend the money to build a site that will really make a difference in how their viewers think of them.
DIY Websites Checklist
Here is a checklist of subjects that you can use to determine whether your site is operating at maximum capacity.
- Has your site been tested for W3C compliance?
- Is your theme responsive and “phone-friendly”?
- Has it been tested for cross-platform performance for the major browsers?
- Do your efforts for a better search engine ranking include an analysis of your keywords and the way the clients you seek will use them?
- How would a stranger that is looking for what you offer, but is totally unaware of you and where you are, find you?
- What have you done about audio development?
- Does your site include animation?
- What kinds of database development have you built into your site to track visitors, record client purchases and develop a rapport with the people who visit you?
- Do you have a Blog? Why not? How often do you publish new content?
- What about the instantaneous nature of internet communication makes you a better choice when people are considering your services? What about it makes you look worse?
- Who in your organization is responsible for your internet site security? What have they done this year to make sure you are a Hacker Free Zone?
- What outside content input do you have, such as RSS Feeds, that automatically provide new content to your site?
- Which medium do you see as the primary focus for your advertising and marketing dollars? Where do you see that in 3 years?
- Are you planning on using affiliate programs? We can show you those that work.
- Do your website blog or e-commerce products integrate with social media, such as Facebook?
From time to time we spot a product that really makes everyone’s life better. We use these products and recommend them.
Sometimes they may pay us for saying so.
What Should Web Hosting Cost?
This is very much a “you COULD get what you pay for” kind of industry. Everyone promises the most up time, unlimited storage, fastest response time and greatest service for the least possible price.
It doesn’t work that way. Getting a clear view is a challenge. The quickest way to test whether you can count on your web hosting company is can you speak with their technical support staff without a 20 minute hold time. When you finally get through, will the support person be on the same continent with you?
Will they be able to offer technical advice that impact how your website performs? Do they offer specialized services?
Our standard web hosting fee is $165.00 per year, $195.00 per year for sites that require dedicated IP and SSL. Additional services are available at our standard rate of $125.00 per hour.
For that we provide website integrity monitoring, site backup, database backups, domain name registration, 2 types of virus protection and more.
Prefer to build your own website from a template?
See the designs at
We can also customize project driven applications for you, such as WordPress AppThemes.
If you are more artistically inclined look at Elegant Themes.
You may find some specific functionality at Theme Forest. (Envato).
Revolution Slider is available at Code Canyon.
We can show you how to create your own logo.
If you would like to get paid when people visit your website
Consider offering products distributed through affiliate networks
- If you are looking to bring traffic to your site on a pay for performance basis see
Looking for a great web host?
We proudly host our accounts at
Between the 99.9% Network Uptime Guarantee and the 800 number to their USA headquarters where real technicians answer 24/7, our clients enjoy unparalleled support.
We provide site integrity checks, domain registration and renewals, cpanel assistance and more.
Disclosure: We are compensated for our recommendations.
Got Virus Protection?
We use products like:
We also have products that run on the Virtual Private Server. What are you doing to keep your site safe?
iThemes Security Pro
This product is good enough that it merits its own section. We use iTheme’s Backup Buddy and iTheme’s Security Pro on a daily basis. Because we care for clients that range from Mom and Pop stores all the way up to corporate clients, we are aware of the daily attempts by hackers in China, Korea or the Ukrain to break into your website. On average there are over 100 attempts per day.
These products are smart enough to detect the attempts and ban the IP addresses of the offenders.
Add Featured Images to Your Categories
WordPress site builders love this one because it solves a problem. Adding featured images to categories facilitates pages that allow grouping and images associated with the taxonomy in question.
Visit Help for WordPress to learn more.
And for a remarkable menu, visit Code Canyon and look at Ubermenu.
Need Advanced Plug-ins for WordPress?
Try Pippin Williamson’s work.
The support he offers is exceptional.
Here you can create the content that will be used within the module.
Too much to think about?
So, here’s a strategy for you to consider.
DIY websites cost more than you think when you consider how valuable your time is.
1). Our development rate is $125.00 per hour. Our analysis rate is the same with a two hour minimum.
Hire us to analyze your current web profile and suggest to you changes that will make it better. Then ask for a “capped quote” on getting those changes done.
It’s a way that both of us can use to develop a mutually beneficial business relationship.